Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Little Pep Talk

For those of you who follow me on FACEBOOK (or TWITTER or just know me), you know that I have signed up to run a 1/2 marathon on January 20th. 
St. Pete's Beach classic.

Yep--that's what I said...Half...marathon...13.1 miles...

Now, I've been running for quite awhile now.  Probably 5-6 years consistently.  I don't have a runner's body.  I've got a fat butt and chunky thighs and weak ankles.  Up until 3 weeks ago, I had only run over 6 miles at a clip one time. 

I know, I know...
I ask myself this a lot.

I wasn't really.  But that's probably a good thing.  My problem is I think too much...I OVERTHINK too much...and then those little voices in my head start.
Not THOSE voices...

You know the voices.  The ones that tell you that you are not good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough.  Those voices that completely kill your confidence. 

I have to admit, my confidence takes a regular beating.  Always has.  I go along fine and then I think, "Maybe I can't do this."  Or someone doesn't like me and I blame myself and figure it must be because of me.  Or I get a small scolding and feel like I am completely worthless.  It's a struggle, but it's one that I have worked hard to overcome. 

So, I'm fighting those voices in my head.  I've adopted my yearly "theme song" to combat the hits to my confidence.  I AM running that 13.1 miles.  I AM going to cross that finish line, if I have to roll over it.  But I'm doing it! 

Here's my theme song.

That's what's going to be blasting on my iPod as I cross. 

1 comment:

  1. I have those same voices in my head! I call it my broken record because it gets stuck on that loop of negativity. I have to tell you that I watch you post your running and it inspires me. Not enough yet to get off the couch, but it makes be believe that if I wanted to, I could to. You are such a great mom, teacher, wife and friend. You do so much for others but you take that time for yourself everyday to be a little bit healthier, to challenge yourself just a little,... you are a role model for those of us who walk with you through life. :-)
